A Program of Schools for Children

How we learn

Your Child’s Unique Journey

From the moment your child walks through the doors at Lesley Ellis—whether as an intrepid preschooler, eager to spread sprouting wings, or as a recently minted middle schooler, ready to dig deep into bold new ideas—your child will know what it means to belong. The faculty at Lesley Ellis enliven an intentional program and community that embraces each child’s unique path, fosters individual and collective growth at every level, and celebrates all manner of achievement. We love that  children thrive at different paces and how every student contributes differently to our vibrant community of learners.

Joining the Lesley Ellis community is about parents as well as children. We invite you to explore what it means to belong here as a family and partner with us in your child’s education.


Joyful Learning at Lesley Ellis