A Program of Schools for Children

about us

Welcome to Lesley Ellis School

As we all embrace the new school year (my 18th at Lesley Ellis), I am excited by the many changes we have navigated throughout the years, and also by all that has remained the same. We are firmly rooted in our new permanent home, and our program continues to serve eager preschoolers through confident eighth graders in a community that is defined by respect and a celebration of diversity. Our robust academic program continues to evolve with the flexibility to meet individual needs while building essential foundational skills. A vibrant arts program exposes children to the vast canvas of creative expression, and our schoolwide Spanish program seizes on the ease of early language acquisition to instill a broad cultural and language proficiency. Our award-winning anti-bias curriculum informs everything we do at Lesley Ellis, where we are members, not only of our own caring school community, but also of a larger global community that demands our understanding and mindfulness.

Whether in our early childhood, elementary, or middle school program, Lesley Ellis students are invited to bring their whole selves to school each day—just who they are—to be known, supported, and challenged. We invite you to explore our website and our school further, to see how your child’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional growth can be nurtured here and what it would be like for your family to belong here.


Deanne Benson
Head of School