A Program of Schools for Children

Anti-Racism Initiatives

At the heart of Lesley Ellis School has always been an anti-bias curriculum that is very much a part of the life of our school from preschool through grade 8. It’s infused in everything we do. It’s a way of life. From the books students read to the perspectives students study in history we look at everything through an anti-bias lens.

During the summer of 2020, while the Coronavirus pandemic was raging, so too was another pandemic and it’s one that won’t be solved with a vaccine … that of racial injustice. In September 2020, the school’s Advisory Board created an Anti-Racism Task force with a goal to  thoughtfully learn more about and take purposeful action against racism. Under the leadership of Advisory Board, 38 members of the school community, both parents and faculty, came together initially to actively support this anti-racism initiative. Out of this larger group, three areas of focus were established: activism, community outreach, and community education.

As the 2020-2021 school year progressed, the task force evolved into a collaborative in order to maintain both the momentum established the first year and to stay connected with the faculty and the broader school community. The initiatives underway now are an outgrowth of the initial task force and most importantly have risen out of the commitment of the Lesley Ellis community to take thoughtful and purposeful action against racism. In the words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Microaggression Submission Form

At Lesley Ellis we have a strong commitment to diversity and equity, and we strive to ensure that every student is able to participate and thrive in a culture of inclusion. If you experience or witness a microaggression, you may report it below. Submissions may be made anonymously (you may also sign your name if you so choose) and help us keep track of how individual students and groups are experiencing our community and helps us to ensure an optimal learning environment.

What are microaggressions? A statement, action or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle or unintentional messaging against members of a historically marginalized identity-based group such as, but not limited to, racial, gendered, sexual identity and religious groups.

Have you experienced / witnessed a microaggression? Statements, actions or incidents that can be classified as microaggressions are frequently experienced differently by the speaker and the listener. You are the best judge as to whether or not a comment or question directed at you or that you’ve witnessed amounts to a microaggression.

Interested in more resources? Check out the suggestions below.


Some Reading Suggestions:

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett (fiction)
The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio (nonfiction)
Good Talk by Mira Jacob (nonfiction, memoir)
All You Can Ever Know by Nicole Chung (nonfiction)
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah (nonfiction, memoir)
The Good Immigrant by Nikesh Shukla (nonfiction)
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer (nonfiction)

Consider purchasing any books listed below from a Black-owned bookstore. Here are two based in MA:

Roxbury: https://frugalbookstore.net/
Springfield: http://olivetreebooksonline.com/



  • Seeing White by Scene on Radio – a 14 part series unpacking the concept of “whiteness”
  • Ruth Wilson Gilmore on Abolition for the Intercept podcast
  • Pod Save the People (weekly podcast) Organizer and activist DeRay Mckesson explores news, culture, social justice, and politics with analysis from Sam Sinyangwe, Kaya Henderson, and De’Ara Balenger.  Then he sits down for deep conversations with experts, influencers, and diverse local and national leaders.  New episodes every Tuesday
  • 1619 Podcast by the New York Times on how slavery has transformed America
  • Callie Crosley’s radio program Under the Radar
  • Nice White Parents podcast (by the New York Times)