A Program of Schools for Children

Make a Gift


Putting the U in Community
An Early Childhood Perspective

Putting the U in Community
A Middle Schoolers Perspective

Putting the U in  Community
A Parent’s Perspective

Putting the U in Community
A Teacher’s Perspective


Cash Gifts

Most gifts to Lesley Ellis are made in the form of cash contributions. Checks should be made payable to Lesley Ellis School and sent directly to the Development Office.

Credit Cards

Lesley Ellis also accepts gifts and pledge payments on American Express, Visa and MasterCard. Credit card gifts and pledge payments may be made online.

Gifts of Securities

A gift of securities is a good way to save on capital gains. Your broker can transfer stock to Lesley Ellis and you will receive a tax deduction for the mean value of the stock on the date it is given. If you plan to make a gift of securities, please notify the Development Office.


Written and signed pledges are accepted for any Annual Fund contribution. All Annual Fund pledges are payable by June 30. Reminders are sent from the Development Office.

Matching Gifts

A large number of companies will match or multiply donations from their employees. You should contact your employer’s human resources department to determine whether your company offers a matching gift program and to request the necessary forms. After filling out a matching gift form, donors should send them to the Development Office along with their gift or pledge payment.

If you have questions about making your contribution or would like to make a donation in a form other than those listed above, please contact James Bethel.